Thursday, January 21, 2010

Still at the Airport (5 Minutes later)

I missed the free shuttle.

Off to a great start.

I always did like doing things the expensive way :(

Did manage to get some nice shots during my THIRTY DOLLAR cab ride to the port...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nadi Airport @ 5:30 am on 1/7/10

"New York City,

center of the universe.

Times are shitty

but I'm pretty sure they can't get worse.

It's a comfort to know

when you're singing the hit the road blues

that anywhere else you could possibly go after New York

would be

...a pleasure cruise"


This is the Yasawa Flyer (AKA the Big Yellow Boat),

a high speed catamaran

traveling up and down a series

of 20 Volcanic islands.

(12 hours round trip each day).

The Big Yellow Boat will take me around

the Yasawa and Mamanuca

Islands for 12 days :)

On board flight Air Pacific Flight 671 non-stop to Nadi, Fiji, I

successfully slept 9 solid hours

and woke up in paradise.

In January of 2009, exactly one year prior to my arrival, the main island of Fiji, Vitu Levu, suffered a once-in-a-generation spate of tropical storms, wrecking havoc on the west side of the island (airport town included!). Eleven died, thousands of villagers were forced from their homes and into shelters and hundreds of tourusts were left stranded for over a week.

Cheers to my stellar planning! I didn't realize I was booking my trip during the wet season. When I came across this information about two weeks before leaving, I decided not to share with friends and family, reminding myself that 2010 is a new year!

Alas, my first view of Fiji!

Obviously not the most beautiful sight, but the sunshine is a relief as I wait for my free shuttle from the airport to Port Danarau, home to the Yasawa Flyer. And then I am off to Tavewa Island (I arrive at aproximately 2:30), where I'll enjoy the beach, the sun, good food, scuba and snorkling, and relaxation.

See you on Tavewa!

"If you smile at me, I will understand, cause that is something everybody everywhere does in the same language"

-Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Here it is-the long awaited, much talked about blog.

Weeks of compiling an 'invitation to my blog email' and now I find I don't have much to say. Yet.

Hope you'll join me as I attempt to journey the world.

A few things...

I am going to be careful. Very careful.

While that bag is only 34 pounds, it may be the death of me.

Moving out of the country is a pain in the @$$!

After 10 hours at LAX, I am waiting to board Pacific Air Flight 811 nonstop to Nadi, Fiji, and I am ready. To pass out. In my window seat.

Not before a little mat session, however...

Don't judge, Doug.

In totally unrelated news, please do take a moment to feast your eyes on the most beautiful Christmas tree ever, picked out and decorated by my dad, the one and only, complete with monkey balls.

(This has nothing to do with my trip, but you must admit it's a good looking tree.)

Fiji bound...stay tuned.